Pruyn Veterinary Hospital
Euthanizing a pet is not an easy decision. We are here to discuss options and assist in every way we can during this difficult time.
Euthanasia is commonly referred to as “putting down” or “putting to sleep”. This is a very hard decision many pet owners must make at the last stage of their pet’s life.
Why euthanasia?
Just as we all age, so do our beloved pets. As much as we would love for all of our pets to be in our lives forever, there comes a time to say goodbye. Euthanasia offers a peaceful, controlled option for the end of our pet's life. Based on your pet's quality of life, euthanasia may be something to consider.
When is the time right?
Knowing when the time is right can be a difficult choice. There are many factors that go into deciding to euthanize an animal, and it is a personal issue that differs from pet owner to pet owner. Your top concern should be about your pet’s quality of life, difficulties that come with old age, and the pain they may be suffering.
What should I expect?
Our euthanasia process is designed to be as peaceful as possible. Once you and the doctor have determined that this is the best choice, your pet will have a drug administered that results in deep sedation. During the time it takes to reach this state, you and your family may remain with your pet. It is a quiet few minutes of saying goodbye. You may also choose to leave at this point, having bid your pet farewell, taking comfort in knowing it was calm and pain free.
How should I get more information or ask for help?
Our veterinarians are available to discuss your options. They are very familiar with the experience, and are able to talk about the process and the feelings that come with it. Please make an appointment or contact us for information on options, timelines, and references for support through the grieving process.
Euthanasia and hospice care services can be provided during your family’s time of need. There are some questions that you may be facing.
Should I pursue treatment for my pet? If so, for how long?
Will my pet significantly benefit from treatment or suffer more?
Am I able to properly care for my pet during this time?
When should I consider euthanasia?
We understand that these questions may be difficult to answer, and therefore we are here to provide assistance.
A common question we hear when someone is trying to decide if it’s time to say goodbye to their beloved pet is “how will I know?” Some furry family members make it very clear to their owners when it is time. Other pets may try to hang in as long as possible for their family. In either scenario, there are questions that you can ask to help your family reach a decision.
Is your pet experiencing chronic pain that can no longer be controlled with medication?
Is your pet having frequent vomiting or diarrhea that is causing significant dehydration or weight loss?
Have they stopped eating / drinking, or will only eat if being force fed?
Are they incontinent to the degree that they frequently soil themselves?
Has he or she lost all interest in the usual “fun” activities (walks, toys, soliciting pets)?
Is your pet no longer able to walk, or frequently falls down when trying to walk?
Is he or she having labored breathing or coughing?
Does your pet have a loss of quality of life?
If you still are unsure, additional tips and questions to ask can be found here: Making the Euthanasia Decision
Below is a description of the process of an appointment, and options, for euthanasia with us at Pruyn Veterinary Hospital: Once your family has decided it is time to say goodbye, we offer a few options to best suit your situation.
In hospital euthanasia can be done based you and your pet’s needs.
If the family would like to remain with your pet, we are able to provide an attended euthanasia.
If you do not wish to be present during this procedure, we can admit your pet, without judgment, to our hospital and our doctors and staff will compassionately care for them.
Coping with the loss of your loved one:
The loss of a beloved pet companion can be just as hard as losing a human friend or family member. Sometimes pets are all the family that some people have had. There may have been a deep bond between human and pet and each truly loved and cherished each other. It is just as important to take care of yourself when a pet dies as when you lose a human family member – even more so because non pet owners might not understand your grief.
One way to take care of yourself is to make a memorial.
A memorial is a wonderful way to remember a lost pet. It is a place to keep alive the memory of your special bond with your pet. A memory page helps with the grieving process.
We also offer an Online Pet Loss Library. There are many articles written by grief professionals that will address many of the questions you may have when dealing with the loss of a pet. It also offers stories and articles for others who have experienced a similar loss. Visit our Pet Loss Library.
There are times when we just need someone to talk to. WSU provides a free Pet Loss Hotline. Volunteers provide compassionate support to help those through the death or impending death of a pet. They can be reached Mon-Thur 7pm-9pm & Sat 1pm-3pm: 1-866-266-8635.